What is Medical Massage Therapy?

Medical massage therapy is outcome-based massage, basically the action of very specific treatment protocols targeted to the specific problem(s) areas the patient presents with a physician's diagnosis and referral for treatment.  After an assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment.  In many cases this type of massage therapy is billed through the patient’s insurance, which could be health, auto, or workers' compensation.

Medical Massage of the Rockies LLC (MMR) works with Colorado Occupational Health Physicians, Physiatrists Neurologists, Orthopedists, General Practitioners, Osteopaths, and Chiropractors to provide result oriented medical massage treatment for soft tissue injuries.

What is required for treatment?

In order for your treatment to be covered under insurance, a health care provider must prescribe medical massage therapy and provide a diagnosis. Medical Massage therapy is focused only on the areas of the body related to the diagnosis and prescription. The therapy is generally billed in 15 minute segments (typically 4 units for a total of one hour per session) using current procedural terminology and adhering to the usual and customary reimbursement fee schedule.

What types of therapy are considered Medical Massage?

Many forms of massage therapy can be therapeutic when applied by a skilled and knowledgeable therapist; therefore, medical massage is not limited to any particular specific technique. MMR provides massage therapists throughout the state of Colorado who incorporate, but are not limited to the following therapies in their treatment:

  • Strain Counter Strain
  • Neuromuscular Therapy
  • Myofascial Release
  • Positional Release
  • Trigger Point Therapy
  • Active Therapy Techniques
  • Rehabilitative Stretching Procedures